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ISSN: 2353-6942
Health Problems of Civilization Physical activity: diseases and issues recognized by the WHO
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vol. 17
Original paper


Muayad Aghali Merza
Sabah Ahmed Mohammed
1, 2
Ayid Murad Qasim
Deldar Morad Abdulah

  1. College of Medicine, University of Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq
  2. Department of Surgery, Azadi Teaching Hospital, Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq
  3. Infection control Department, Duhok General Directorate of Health, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq
  4. Community and Maternity Health Nursing Unit, College of Nursing, University of Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq
Health Prob Civil. 2023; 17(4): 328-338
Online publish date: 2023/09/08
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